Tuesday, May 29, 2007

"What's up with today....today?" (saw this movie for the first time in 6-7 years; it's a cool movie)

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

I didn't go see the Indigo Girls last night, which is a bit upsetting since I've loved them since Jr. high. I've never seen them and have been patiently waiting to do so, and regrettably, I stalled. Mostly because nobody really wanted to go with me, as well as the financial factor since I spent a large quantity renting kayaks for a Blue Ridge trip with a few friends last weekend, which was effectively diminished by rain (DAMN YOU SCUBA STEVE!). So, with only enough money for my own ticket, and not being able to persuade anyone to go with me, I didn't make it. Oh well, hopefully they don't retire before their next Flagstaff stop.
-My buddy Kary and his wife are having a boy. This is big news since it seems that everyone I know are popping out girls at an alarming rate. The dating scene in about 18-20 years is going to be disastrous for females in this general area. Kary's son is one lucky feller. About time someone put the stem on the apple.
-I got your email, Kat. I have to tell you that I think that it is SO COOL that you still have this unspoken innate responsibility to tell me what is and isn't good music though our lab-partner days have been over for what....a year and a half now? You're the shit. Cold War Kids was great, but I have to admit that I'm on a Sigur Ros hiatus currently. As imaginitive and beautiful their music is - and let's face it, the Jaguar shark scene in The Life Aquatic would not be near as emotional and effectively important without their contribution - it does something to me that I can't quite explain. Something along the lines of making me feel very small and insignificant from their gigantic, emotion-invoking songs. Oh yeah, you can keep trying and trying, but you're not going to get me to like Wilco (Ha!). Hope Chicago's treating you well.
-While mowing the lawn of my very elderly piano teacher today, she came out to talk to me. After a few minutes of typical everyday conversation, she left me by saying "your bright seems to always outshine your dark." Initially, I thought nothing of it, but when you are performing a mundane task such as mowing, you get to thinking. What does that mean? Did she mean it or was it just saying she subconsciously quoted? If she did mean it, on what grounds does she say such a thing? I mean, she doesn't even really know me, Goddammit. Nevertheless, I came to the conclusion that not only is this a nice thing to say to someone, it's a great way to pattern one's life after - a personalized Golden Rule, if you will. So, after 30 years of finding, testing and failing creeds to attach my life to, I finally found one (for now). Make sure your bright outshines your dark. I like it. It's simple. Even a young child can draw parallels from it. Word.
-The posted pic is from last fall, but it exemplifies the enthusiasm I feel for another wonderful season of throwing plastic things in the woods. Yeah, homie G.